Dillwyn, Virginia, is a captivating small town situated within the heart of Buckingham County, drawing visitors with its rural charm, welcoming community, and intriguing history. Established in 1892, Dillwyn emanates an old-world allure enriched by its numerous historical landmarks. Situated southeast of Charlottesville and amid the lush beauty of central Virginia, Dillwyn offers access to outdoor activities like fishing and boating at the James River, hiking through Hoos Woods, or birdwatching at the Horsepen Wildlife Management Area. Rooted in tradition, yet moving with the currents of modern rural life, Dillwyn caters to those seeking tranquility away from the hustle and bustle, capturing the essence of small-town southern hospitality at its finest.
Cedar Line Automotive is Dillwyn's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 5547 Richmond Highway, Spout Spring, VA 24593.